Work at the Citizen Security Secretariat of Sobral, state of Ceará, Brazil

Since 2021, I have worked at the Citizen Security Secretariat in my hometown, more specifically in a team called the Diagnosis and Culture of Peace Coordination.

This team has the purpose of thinking, planning, structuring and executing public security projects and activities, based on ideals related to the Culture of Peace and citizenship, based on elements collected from scientific research, listening to the community and security forces.

I started working on the team as a project manager for conflict mediation and restorative justice. I was promoted in position and today I am coordinator of this team, which is made up of 6 people.


Before presenting some of the projects and activities that I have developed or participated in, I would like to share with you the joy resulting from the award of two projects from the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace (team that I coordinate) at the National Forum for Citizen Security and Civil Defense, held in 2023, in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, Brazil.

"Humanize Space" Project: Awarded 1st place in the category of projects aimed at improving the quality of life of civil servants and strengthening the civil guard.

"Mediation in Action" Project: Awarded 3rd place in the category of projects that contribute to the construction of safer socio-urban contexts and the reduction of risk factors related to violence.

In the photo, the Mayor of the City of Sobral (Ivo Gomes), the Secretary of Citizen Security (Emanuela Leite) and part of my work team.

Humanize Center

Well, as I mentioned, I currently coordinate a team called the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace. With great joy, I would like to share with you, reader of this page, that in July 2024 my team inaugurated an important place to provide public services within the scope violence prevention and Culture of Peace.

Following recognition from the mayor of the city of Sobral, state of Ceará, Brazil, we inaugurated the Centro Humanizar. The services of the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace (my team) and the Biopsychosocial Care Center of the Ceará Military Police (NAB) now operate at the Humanizar Center.

The Humanizar Center is a symbol of our city's commitment to promoting a culture of peace and care for our security forces. After all, psychosocial care will be offered to the Municipal Civil Guards of Sobral, through Espaço Humanizar (project of the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace), and to the Military Police of the 3rd Battalion of the Military Police of the State of Ceará, through the NAB.

The Humanizar Center is the first public space in Brazil that will provide psychosocial care aimed at municipal and state security forces, along with Culture of Peace and violence prevention activities.

In the photo I am writing on a poster some reflections about "What do I know about violence?". This record was made during a collective team activity.

Projects and activities

Now, I would like to invite you to learn a little more about the projects that I have developed or participated in as a public servant working in the Secretariat of Citizen Security in my city.

Below are some photos and videos that portray work full of purpose around the development of healthier interpersonal relationships based on a Culture of Peace.

Activity - “Dialogue about the occupation of public space”

The action “Dialoging About the Occupation of Public Space” was a joint initiative between the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SESEC), through the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace (CDCP), and the Secretariat of Urbanism and Environment (SEUMA) of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. Launched in September 2021, the action responded to a demand from SEUMA to SESEC due to the irregular occupation of Praça de Cuba by street vendors, a situation worsened by the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The challenges included difficulties in dialogue between inspection teams and vendors, inadequate use of green areas and monuments in the square to display products, and problems in preserving the environment and public property.

To face these problems, SESEC, through CDCP, proposed positive conflict management, promoting dialogue as a tool for social transformation. The initiative aimed to create opportunities that prevent violence and reduce vulnerabilities, encouraging a change in the quality of human interactions through strengthening dialogue, collaborative and inclusive practices.

For this activity, several moments of dialogue with street vendors, bond-building activities, as well as research into their needs and interests were scheduled, in order to provide opportunities for negotiation and understand how public management could help.

Project - “Mediation in Action”

The “Mediation in Action” project seeks to bring Conflict Mediation and the Culture of Peace closer to communities, promoting personal and social development through understanding conflicts and social structure. The initiative aims to stimulate education for peace, democratic participation and access to information through three specific actions:

1) Informative actions: Carried out in strategic locations such as schools and health centers. These actions provide information about the city's mediation centers, their purposes, cases handled and other details.

2) Training actions: Courses and training on conflict management and culture of peace are offered to different audiences (children, young people, adults and public security professionals), providing mutual learning and new ways to deal with conflicts.

3) Events and lectures: Thematic lectures and events are organized to discuss conflict management and Culture of Peace, encouraging reflection and debate on violence prevention at the municipal level.

Informative action on conflict mediation for the community.

Informative dialogue about mediation and its possibilities in the school context.

Lecture on women's work in the context of public security and violence prevention

Lecture given to young apprentices from the National Commerce Apprenticeship Service (Senac).

Event in honor of World Day of Non-Violence and Culture of Peace (January 30)

Event organized by the team from the Diagnosis and Culture of Peace Coordination (of which I am part) in partnership with the Municipal Civil Guard and Citizenship Coordination. The event included assistance from the municipality's mediation centers, collaborative games, art and music and plant donations. The objective was to encourage a Culture of Peace in the community.

Semear project

The project involves periodic interventions with civil guards, secretariat teams and community leaders, based on the pillars of the Culture of Peace according to UNESCO. The project's objectives mainly include promoting a Culture of Peace and preventing violence, in addition to encouraging empathetic dialogues and non-violent communication. Interventions include peacebuilding circles (methodology created by Kay Pranis) with the Municipal Civil Guards of Sobral/CE. These circles reinforced interaction between civil guards, strengthened relationships, and highlighted the importance of creating spaces for speaking and listening. They also awakened the importance of emotional and psychological well-being, improved interpersonal relationships, communication skills and empowerment for collective and empathetic solutions in everyday situations.

Young Mediator Module

In the citizen security department there is a project called "Jovem Guarda", which receives, every semester, vulnerable young people aged 14 to 19 so that they have access to subjects such as human rights, citizenship, art and sport, and life projects. Among the existing modules, minister, together with the team from the Coordination of Diagnosis and Culture of Peace, the "Young Mediator". In this module we teach young people about how to deal with conflicts and tools that can be used in our daily lives to encourage the prevention of violence and avoid the escalation of conflicts, such as mediation and Non-Violent Communication. We teach that conflict is natural for human beings and that it can be a positive thing, as long as we know how to deal with it.

Ronda Escolar project (School patrol)

.Ronda Escolar is a group of Municipal Civil Guard of Sobral, state of Ceara, which is dedicated to the development initiatives that encourage recognition of challenges and potential existing in the body school. From this point onwards, efforts are focused on promoting care and strengthening bonds, in order to contribute to the promotion of public schools safer and more welcoming municipalities that include its routine the guidelines of a Culture of Peace. The diagnosis and culture of peace coordination (team that I coordinate) works very closely with the school patrol project, as it is responsible for structuring courses for the guards of this group, as well as organizing the group performance flows and statistics.

Humanize Space

“Espaço Humanizar” is a project that aims to offer health care to members of the Sobral Municipal Civil Guard, in order to stimulate a Culture of Peace in the context of public security through care and socio-emotional development. The project includes individual psychological support, social assistance support, health guidance, technical visits and collective care actions. As team coordinator, I monitor the development of activities and statistical data regarding the number of appointments. For Psychology and Social Assistance services, there are licensed professionals to provide the service.