Research Experience

This document is used to define guidelines, actions and goals to reduce and prevent urban violence, guaranteeing life, freedom, integrity, urban mobility, the right to work and people's property. Its preparation meets a demand established in the National Public Security and Social Defense Policy, in accordance with Law No. 13,675/2018, and, in a complementary manner, to the provisions set out in Federal Decree 10,822/21.

I participated in organizing the data, carrying out research, structuring and writing the Integrated Citizen Security Plan for the Municipality of Sobral, state of Ceará (my contribution was recorded on page 04 of this document).

Integrated Citizen Security Plan for the Municipality of Sobral/CE (in portuguese)

The Municipal Council for Public Security and Social Defense of Sobral, state of Ceará, linked to the Citizen Security Secretariat of the aforementioned municipality and regulated by Municipal Law No. 2,393, of September 27, 2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Municipality No. 1,667 of September 27, 2023. It should be noted that the Council created has the function of integrating the Single Public Security System of the Ministry of Justice, having consultative and suggestive power on municipal public security policy.

I participated in writing the bill that creates the municipal security council and contributes to organizing data and carrying out research necessary for this purpose.

Municipal Council for Public Security and Social Defense of Sobral/CE (In portuguese)

The Municipal Observatory of Violence and Crime of Sobral, state of Ceará, was created through Municipal Decree No. 3,237, of August 25, 2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Municipality No. 1,647 on August 28, 2023. The creation The objective of the observatory is to carry out research and produce intelligence to guide and implement violence prevention policies, as well as to stimulate a culture of violence prevention and promotion of a culture of peace, through intersectoral and interinstitutional actions in the municipality.

I participated in writing the bill that creates the observatory, as well as structuring data and carrying out research for this purpose.

Municipal Violence and Crime Observatory of Sobral/CE (In portuguese)

Perception of the violence scenario in the neighborhoods of Sobral/CE by health agents and municipal endemic agents

Monograph presented to the Institute Damásio de Direito – Faculty IDD IBMEC SP, as a partial requirement for obtaining the title of Specialist in Criminal Procedure, under the guidance of the teacher Cristiane Isabel de Oliveira Leite.

Voices of the Brazilian Criminal Process: Convictions about consensualism in Brazil from the perspective of justice restorative (In portuguese)

Monograph presented as a partial requirement for obtaining a Bachelor of Laws degree, under the content guidance of Professor Raphael Gomes Viana and methodological guidance of Professor Me. Talita Bezerra Silva.

The relativization of the principle of presumption of innocence in light of the understanding of the Federal Supreme Court in the Habeas Corpus judgment nº 126.292. (In portuguese)

The project aims to analyze the possibility of access to justice for the economically vulnerable through the Legal Practice Center (NPJ) at Faculdade Luciano Feijão and the solutions to family conflicts through this body. In addition to providing consultancy, advisory and legal assistance services to disabled people, the NPJ promotes the defense of fundamental human rights and supports community projects, promoting citizenship.

Democratization of Access to Justice through the Legal Practice Center at Luciano Feijão College (In portuguese)


Article published in the academic magazine of the higher school of the Public Ministry of Ceará.


The scenario of social isolation as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus has made issues regarding shared custody even more complex. In this context, family mediation is seen as an important instrument for resolving conflicts. Studies by Andrade (2020), Cachapuz (2003), and Coutinho (2019) indicate mediation as a quick, accessible and informal practice that, despite being new, brings with it vast potential for growth in the context of extrajudicial conflict resolution . The scenario of social isolation due to the pandemic caused by COVID 19 revealed an increase in the number of family demands. In this way, understanding that there are possibilities of acting on the previously mentioned demand during a pandemic period makes us consider from some unique perspectives that permeate between in-person and online mediation. In the study under analysis, our focus is on family conflicts, especially those arising from shared custody situations. The implementation of family mediation practices has made the possibility of resolving conflicts in a consensual and peaceful way more accessible. The practice of online mediation presents itself as an important strategy for guaranteeing access to justice, understanding the limits and possibilities of this practice in the context of social inequalities in the Brazilian scenario. It is necessary to exercise the construction of non-adversarial perspectives in any context, even more so in times of social isolation.

Keywords: Social isolation. Family mediation. Shared custody.


Non-adversarial views during a period of social isolation: Mediation and shared custody (in portuguese)

Article published in the magazine of the Federal Public Defender's Office.


Virtual connection: an analysis of the online mediation procedure developed in mediation projects in family conflicts (in portuguese)

Conferency Activity

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.


This study presents an experience report based on the work of a psychologist linked to the Sobral Citizen Security Secretariat (SESEC), who acted as a facilitator of mental health groups for professionals from the Sobral Municipal Civil Guard (GCMS). Each group was made up of ten randomly selected professionals and met every fifteen days, during these professionals' working hours. During the meetings, reflective activities were carried out using generating words to direct speech on topics such as work, affections, family, care and desires. The groups had, on average, two hours of duration.

Available on page 168.


Municipal Civil Guards: Promoting mental health through care groups in public safety (in portuguese)

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.


The study is a experience report of a matrix action. Three meetings were held in a municipal school in Sobral, organized by the Ronda Escolar team (school patrol) and CDCP, where representatives from the Care Center were invited Child Psychosocial, teaching staff, specialized educational services and school managers. We sought to understand specific cases in order to think about collective mental health care strategies for students, as well as mental health and conflict management guidance for school professionals.

Available on page 167.


Dialogue in a network: health and safety (In portuguese)

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.


Available on page 18 of the attached document.

Online mediation: advantages and challenges in times of pandemic (In portuguese)

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.


Available on page 20 of the attached document.

Online mediation as an alternative for resolving conflicts arising from the duty to provide food in times of pandemic (In portuguese)

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.


Available on page 19 of the attached document.

Online mediation and the journey between speaking and listening: custody adaptations in a period of social isolation (In portuguese)

Talk and scientific conference proceeding.

Democratization of access to justice through the Legal Practice Center at Luciano Feijão College and the solution of family conflicts (In portuguese)

Poster and scientific conference proceeding.

Untyling knots and building bonds: The importance of mediation in resolving family conflicts (In portuguese)